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A data ethics decision aid designed for recognizing ethical issues in data.


At IPFOR.TECH we recommend tools that are not designed by Fontys University. However we have tested these tools extensively with our business partners, students and teachers. If you do not agree or if you have a suggestion, please use the tool below.

The DATA ETHICS DECISION AID (DEDA) was created by the University of Utrecht and helps data analysts, project managers and policy makers to recognize ethical issues in data projects, data management and data policies. This also makes it perfect for education. 

Deda.jpgDeveloped in close cooperation with data analysts from the City of Utrecht, DEDA is a tool-kit facilitating initial brainstorming sessions to map ethical issues in data projects, documenting the deliberation process and furthering accountability towards the various stakeholders and the public.

DEDA consists of a worksheet for brainstorming sessions, an interactive questionnaire and a manual. All tools are published by the Data School of the Utrecht University.

Deda Poster.jpg

You can find everything on DEDA here.

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