The 3 best book written by people from Fontys University.
Three books from fontys
Within Fontys University there are many people who think about the impact of technology. Some of those people teach, some write articles, others just think. And some of those people write books. This is the top 5!
Bart Wernaart edited Moral Design & Technology. A book with a lot of contributions of Fontys co-workers. The book focusses on how to integrate moral decisions and morality in the design process of new technology and also has lots of case-studies. There is for example a chapter on the Technology Impact Cycle Tool and the morality of griefbots is discussed in the book.
Also the book looks ahead and discussses what the future might look like if we use moral design as a central approach in creating new technology.
The book is open access so it can be read by using this link.
Digital Gremlins is the latest book by Rens van der Vorst. It is currently only available in Dutch and is about ways to escape the grip of the algorithm. Rens packs an important message in a light, sometimes hilarious and sometimes confrontational way!
The book explores the question what it means to be human in times of exponential technology? Everyone wants to a better person in a better world with better technology, but how do you do that? How do you get active and involved. Rens van der Vorst advices us to release our inner Digital Gremlin.
Sebas Nouwen (or was it CHATGPT?) wrote a book called Humans & Technology. The book is a product from the Fontys Research Department Humans & Technology. In the book, Sebas combines behavioral psychology and technology to investigate from all sides how technology influences people. And vice versa. It is mainly a book suitable for education and for people who want to take the first steps in this field.
So far this is a top 3 while we are always striving for a top 5. So, if you know people from Fontys who have written a book related to this subject, please let us know via the form below.