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A running race for smartphone zombies!

Smombie run

In 2015, the youth word of the year was Smombie. A contraction of smartphone and zombie and a reference to the walking style of people who look at their smartphones at the same time.

It inspired us to research an app that should make it possible to organize the first smombie run insmombierun2.jpg the world. That didn't turn out to be easy. After all, how do you get the participants to look at their phones all the time? How do you calibrate that? How do you check whether you are running all the time?

Several groups of international and national students have been tackling this issue over the past year and the initial results are promising. In the coming six months, we will have the best ideas converted into a production version by smartmobile students. Are you an organizer of a running competition? Or a municipality that would like to organize such a running race? The first in the world?

Contact us by using the form below and maybe together we can make the first smombie run a reality!

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