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Designers & teachers. Driving force behind the greatest expert cards.


WelGeen are teachers and designers at Fontys University, where we combines a passion for innovation and art with the aim of understanding their impact on society. To express this passion, we collaborate with, where we work on interactive art installations and experiment with digital techniques.

We believe in the importance of not just thinking, but also actively building things. We follow theChrisGeene.jpg principle of "practice what you preach" and understand that thinking alone is only half the work. In their latest project, during the DDW exhibition in 2022, we explored the intersection of art, technology, and the collection of personal data for personalization, envisioning the 'data' building of the future.

They collaborated with ICT students to delve deeper into the impact of technology and data collection. What would a building that collects data be like? Do we feel comfortable being in a building where all our data is visible? Does it make us better off? And what do we even mean by "better"?

If you want to create impactful art installations, feel free to get in touch with us. You can use the form below. 

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