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Technophilosopher, writer, teacher & researcher. Author of Digital Gremlins.

Rens van der Vorst

Rens van der Vorst works at Fontys University as a teacher & researcher. He likes to call himself a technophilosopher.

Rens is the author of three books on the impact of technology.

  • Smartphones are the new smoking (2017);DG.jpg
  • Why do you always want to beat your navigation system (2020);
  • Digital Gremlins (2023).

All books are in Dutch.

Rens runs a platform called (also in Dutch) and has a weekly column about the impact of technology at Fontys University. He also works a keynote speaker and likes to talk about the impact of technology in podcasts.

A statement from Rens:

"We learn our students how to solve problems with technology. We learn them to code, create and crunch. We give our students superpower. However, with superpower comes great responsibility. That is why we need them to think about the impact of technology. How do we become better people in a better world with better technology? And what do we mean by better?"

To make students think and inspire them, Rens launched projects like CEPTCHA & SMOMBIE RUN and TICT.IO.

Do you want to contact Rens, use the form below or call +31 6 5024 2071.

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