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The world's biggest moral design experiment.

MIT Moral Machine

At Fontys University we do research into strategies for moral design. If technology becomes more advanced, it becomes more and more important to think about which moral rules you want to integrate in the software.

The goal of the research department is to do this with civilians, patients and students. We don't want to talk about people, but with people. That's why we design games and built a moral lab. However, the largest moral lab in history was built by MIT.

They built a hugely popular website, which millions of people used to indicate what moral choices should be made by a self-driving car. You can still make your own choices here.

It is a nice way to get people to think about how they would morally program technology and how difficult that is. A book about the project was also published. This book is worth reading for twoCTKNTM.jpg reasons. Firstly, the book tells the story of a major research project as if it were an exciting novel, and it also provides many new insights into thinking about a self-driving car (and how incredibly complicated that is).

If you also know about otherr online moral machines, you can let us know via the contact form below. 

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