A card game with the greatest experts in the world of technology that ask questions about your product or idea.
Greatest expert cards
Do you need a critical friend? Some one who can help you navigate the complexities of being a critical thinker in a digital world? Look no further!
We have developed a set of expert cards. These cards are designed for inventors, students, companies, start-ups, middle managers, parents, football coaches, and anyone else who believes technology can solve problems (but only if we have better technology and understand oour problems!).
These experts ask the right questions to challenge your thinking. Imagine David Attenborough asking you how you would modify the technology if the environment were your customer?
Or envision Mark Zuckerberg questioning the honesty of your revenue model. And what if your product suddenly became wildly successful? Jack Dorsey from the platform formerly known as Twitter is there to inquire about your next steps. Are you utilizing the correct data? Are you truly solving the underlying problem?
These are just a few examples of the insightful inquiries that our experts pose. At Fontys ICT, we utilize these cards to encourage our students to contemplate the profound impact of technology. But you can use them too.
These are your options:
- A free download is available here;
- If you're interested in obtaining more information visit (Dutch);
- If you are interested in the physical card set. Use the form below or sent an e-mail to We will sent you a card set!
If you want to get in contact, have a question or a comment, you can also use the contact form below.