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Ten super inspiring online crash courses. From privacy to bad actors to human values. Fun and with certificates.

Impact crash courses

Welcome to Fontys online crash courses! Find them on  

Ten, one hour, very engaging crash courses about the impact of technology. Designed not for beginners, not for advanced thinkers, but for people that want to be inspired! 

Each crash course is designed to be completed in one hour, although you can take longer if you prefer a more leisurely pace. These courses are divided into different sections, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. To access a crash course, simply click on the course of your choice.

Upon completion of each crash course, you will find an additional section with supplementary TICT course.jpgmaterials for those craving more knowledge.

The crash course aspires to educate, inform, inspire, entertain, and even dazzle you!

The crash courses deviate from the typical introductory, theory-laden classes you may be accustomed to. Instead, we have meticulously curated the topics to align with your personal interests. The tool intention is to not only inform you but, most importantly, ignite your inspiration. Also after every finished course you get a certification.

Most importantly, we've designed the courses to be enjoyable and fun! Join us on this exciting learning journey today! Find all courses here.

We offer the following courses:

  • The impact of technology in general -> here;
  • Human Values -> here
  • Privacy & Data protection -> here;
  • Data -> here;
  • Transparency & AI -> here;
  • Inclusivity, diversity & bias -> here;
  • Stakeholders & platforms -> here;
  • Bad Actors & alternate realities -> here;
  • Environmental sustainability -> here;
  • Future impact -> here;

Tens of thousand of people already have done the capophenia.pngourses and almost a thousand people have a full certificate. Join us today. It is free!

Do you want more information, have suggestion or do you want to talk a bit more about this topic. Please use the contact form below.

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